I’m a creative soul, based in Denmark but roaming Scandinavia. I help small businesses, who want to look better on the internet.
Do you have a summerhouse you rent out? Do you want to stand out of the crowd?
When people choose where to spend their hard-earned holiday days, many factors come to play.
With good photos, you can communicate the vibes of your house. This lets people imagine how cozy their stay will be, and your cabin will be remarkable.
…for your cabin, yourself, or your business.
Over 10 years, I’ve worked with marketing, and web design.
With this experience, I can effectively help you, when you need a homepage, or ad-hoc web design tasks:
Or a gift idea?
I’m fascinated by Scandinavia’s sceneries, and maybe you are, too.
If so, check out examples about how you can use my photos, or get prints and calendars:
It’s not always about buying or selling something. It’s ok to slow down, and appreciate what we have.
If you appreciate Scandinavian nature, you can get your fix on my Instagram: